About me

José is a former ethical hacker, digital forensic examiner and hardcore Linux engineer who went head over heels into the talent sourcing and recruitment industry utilizing his cross-field experience. Along with Milan Novak, the former board member of Grafton Recruitment, he co-founded the international recruitment agency, GoodCall, currently having 140+ employees and specializing in social recruitment for 5-person start-ups as well as 10,000 person Fortune 500s.

He grew up on open source and loves to share his knowledge, implementing new software and hardware innovations into his staffing procedures – seeing companies not able to hire Java engineers and build their amazing next-gen products is just too painful otherwise. This is also the reason that he established the Recruitment Academy, to cultivate, collaborate, and raise the bar for sourcing and recruiting in Central & Eastern Europe.

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Improving the staffing market by the application of the latest technology, social media and recruitment education on a large scale with the army of 140+ peers.
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HR Robo Sapiens

„This fascinating book will enhance your skills by augmenting the latest AI techniques, truly unlocking your human potential.“

Jan Mühlfeit, Former Chairman at Microsoft Europe

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Online Training

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People as Merchandise

"People as Merchandise, with its no-nonsense pragmatic approach, is an indispensable tool for today's recruitment professionals and entrepreneurs." Barbara Corcoran, Investor on ABC's 'Shark Tank'

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"Whenever I need some exhaustive information on talent sourcing, I'm get in touch with José. His technical background in software engineering and IT security makes him a deadly recruitment weapon when speaking about searching for candidates online, uncovering their contact information and finding unorthodox ways to approach them. "

David E. Perry

Best-selling Author of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters

"I highly recommend Josef ’s book to any HR and staffing manager."

Horst Gallo

Director HR at IBM

"Definitely a no-brainer for all recruiters."

Jeanne E. Branthover

Managing Director at Boyden

"Josef dives deep into the waters of social recruitment and is providing only up-to-date hard data and hands-on strategies you will benefit from right away. Not only tech companies will love it."

Petra Hruskova

Staffing Business Partner at Google

"Josef is a big expert and professional in what he does. The fact that he is a big IT specialist, recruitment specialist as well as a successful entrepreneur makes him an outstanding individual."

Pavel Svetik

Expert Perm Director at Hays

"I know Josef as a graduate of software engineering so I was a little bit doubtful about what he can bring to the table related to human resources. But I was wrong! The book People as Merchandise shows Josef ’s superb cross-field talent."

Vladimir Kovar

CEO at Unicorn

"Feel free to contact Josef if you need to utilize LinkedIn to the highest degree. He is kind and helpful."

Daniela Souckova

Head of HR at Barclays

"José is kind and approachable as a trainer, professional at what he does. Provides good advice with friendly approach."

Zuzana Kohoutova


"I find best that Josef is sharing his IT knowledge, applied for the searching techniques, with the clear and light explicit way. "

Jana Prusova

Talent Acquisition at Nymble

"I have experienced unique training done by Josef on the subject of Linkedin Recruitment. It was a superb and powerful training. Lot of action and real practical value. Thanks a lot for the enhancement of the recruitment process!"

Ivana Prcikova

HR Generalist at Randstad

"This Bad Boy really knows what he is talking about! LinkedIn hides many opportunities and these were uncovered during Josef´s training. Thank you Josef, it was one of the best trainings which I have ever had!"

Nada Nepivodova

Personnel Manager at DHL

"Josef showed me brilliant ways to search for the right people across LinkedIn. His help opened new methods in hiring to me. So, if you want to hire someone, hire Josef at first. He's amazing."

Robert Nemec

CEO at RobertNemec.com

"Josef is real professional and his training was very helpful for me. Now I have different level of understanding of some features which LinkedIn offers."

Eva Vysanska

Headhunter at People Dynamic

"Apart from a very professional yet very friendly style, I appreciated his expertise on online tools. His extensive knowledge and experience is something which he is more than willing to share with others. Josef had my full attention throughout and everything he mentioned was 100% useful and I will definitely use it. It was one of the best seminars I have seen and would, with no doubts, recommend it. Go see Josef!! :)"

Eva Formanova

Recruitment Specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific

"Josef acts as real professional in his area, has strong and natural presentation skills, answered all questions related to the topic and keeps your attention whole time. I would recommend this webinar to all of you who wants to keep your knowledge fresh, wants to learn something new or just have an overview on latest tools."

Alena Halota

Career Coach

"Josef shared his experience and „know-how“ at the highest level by presenting best practises, sourcing techniques, tips and tricks on how to engage talented people in social media. What was really useful that Josef presented it in a practical way showing examples and solving real cases as he spoke. On top of that he is an excellent speaker who interacts with public and talks about technical situations in a lively form."

Inga Cesnuleviciute

Tech Recruiter at Trustpilot

"I would have never guessed that a guy with a technical background can be a such a good presenter and trainer. He is definitely enthusiastic about recruitment and he is very experienced in this field. I liked his fair play approach and appreciated the knowledge he passed onto us during the training. I am sure I will be attending more of his trainings and seminars in the future."

Lucie Pribylova

HR Manager at Audified

"Josef Kadlec as an Expert recruiter. If you search for some inspiration, new skill and professional approach, dont waste any minute and attend his excellent course. You will get the best of the best."

Aneta Kratochvilova

HR Consultant

"Real practical value, no twaddle! Josef has a really deep and detailed knowledge of everything you need to know about LinkedIn. Except this he is an inspiring person whose story is worth knowing!"

Hana Habermannova

CEO at PPC Bee

"Smart strategic and systemic approach towards recruitment elevating networking into more efficient teamworking. Josef has talent to integrate different fields and he is a proof of the notion 'fresh look of the outsider' can move stale HR business into creative process."

Adriana Wyrobkova

Senior Consultant at Arthur Hunt

"Josef is professional, a good communicator and he shows a keen interest that we make the most of the workshops he provides."

Tony Karas

Operations Manager at Synergie

"Josef knows everything about the LinkedIn and is also able to pass on his knowledge the others."

Petra Bedecsova

HR Manager at Karned Tools

"Excited to see Josef Kadlec and his team expand their information share and desire to educate the recruitment industry through Recruitment Academy. It's been great to work with Josef, understanding and following his passion for training about up-to-date practices and new technology. It's wonderful to see RA grow and become a go-to resource for recruiters and hiring professionals who want to reach the peak of their careers and then stay there by continually learning and evolving with the industry and its supporting technologies."

Rayanne Thorn

HR and Recruiting Tech Enthusiast and Marketer

"A new way of thinking, a new way of working, new technologies, the latest case studies and data and an informal atmosphere - you can experience all of these aspects through the courses lead by José Kadlec. Recruitment Engineering training is full of practical examples and tips on how to support your employer brand and increase the effectivity of your hiring process. If you want to be ready for the future, I fully recommend it. :-)"

Eva Koubikova

Senior HR Manager at Allianz

"In order to stand out from the crowd and excel you must double down on your strengths. If you bet on your recruitment skills, the Recruitment Engineering training programme should be a part of your daily work toolkit. Period."

Jan Mühlfeit

former Chairman at Microsoft Europe & the Best-selling Author of The Positive Leader

"Recruitment Engineering online training, crafted by José Kadlec, offers insider insight into various talent sourcing techniques that you can easily apply to your daily recruitment routine regardless of whether you're in Romania, Czech Republic, Ireland or Canada. You will especially appreciate the focus on maximum practicality."

Lenka Rezacova

HR Business Partner at Deloitte

"Jose is both an entrepreneur and a pragmatic innovator constantly looking for the next thing in sourcing that just works. It does not matter if you're new to the club, a seasoned sourcer or a recruitment executive looking to bring a new sets of skills to your team - this training delivers on keeping you at the top of the game."

Ondrej Prochazka

Tech Sourcer at Facebook

"HR marketing is definitely not going to be possible without a direct outbound approach to the candidates and Recruitment Engineering is exactly about that. In addition, it doesn't leave out informing about the latest technologies such as Virtual Reality or Robotics, which is great, because it will be really important in the future."

Jan Kluson

Proud Chief at Proudly

"The challenge with training recruiters is finally solved with the clean presentation of Recruitment Engineering. Josef Kadlec and his team break down recruiting and sourcing fundamentals in a way that is easily understandable, and will be regularly referenced. Chapters and headings focus on how people look for jobs, instead of what people do for jobs, and in recruiting, that is the mindset that makes all of the difference."

Jim Durbin

Social Media Headhunter and Founder of Sourcing Worklab

"Being a co-founder and CEO of a fast-growing tech company means a great deal of dedication to the recruitment of talent. José is a former software developer so you can be sure that in Recruitment Engineering online training you will gain valuable information also on sourcing the most demanding group of employees like software developers and product designers."

Lubo Smid

Co-founder and CEO at STRV